The Approval

7 Feb

I have recently interviewed the two charming young men behind the band The Approval and the interview is now available online here.

And whilst you’re still reading this, have a look at their latest music video, “Three Words”, it’s definitely worth it!

Oscar Nominations Announced

24 Jan

The nominees for this year’s Oscars have been announced.

Among the favourites, The Artist with 10 nominations – including Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress – and Martin Scorsese’s Hugo with a whopping 11 nominations.

And among the unlucky ones, both Leonardo DiCaprio (J Edgar) and Michael Fassbender (Shame) missed out on the Best Actor nomination.

The 84th Academy Awards ceremony will take place on Sunday the 26th of February but in the meantime, here is the full list of nominees:

Best Picture
“The Artist”
“The Descendants”
“Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
“Midnight in Paris”
“The Help”
“War Horse”
“The Tree of Life”

Best Actor
Demian Bichir, “A Better Life”
George Clooney, “The Descendants”
Jean Dujardin, “The Artist”
Gary Oldman, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”
Brad Pitt, “Moneyball”

Best Actress
Glenn Close, “Albert Nobbs”
Viola Davis, “The Help”
Rooney Mara, “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”
Meryl Streep, “The Iron Lady”
Michelle Williams, “My Week With Marilyn”

Best Supporting Actor
Kenneth Branagh, “My Week With Marilyn”
Jonah Hill, “Moneyball”
Nick Nolte, “Warrior”
Christopher Plummer, “Beginners”
Max Von Sydow, “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”

Best Supporting Actress
Berenice Bejo, “The Artist”
Jessica Chastain, “The Help”
Melissa McCarthy, “Bridesmaids”
Janet McTeer, “Albert Nobbs”
Octavia Spencer, “The Help”

Best Director
Woody Allen, “Midnight in Paris”
Michel Hazanavicius, “The Artist”
Terrence Malick, “The Tree of Life”
Alexander Payne, “The Descendants”
Martin Scorsese, “Hugo”

Best Original Screenplay
Woody Allen, “Midnight in Paris”
JC Chandor, “Margin Call”
Asghar Farhadi, “A Separation”
Michel Hazanavicius, “The Artist”
Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, “Bridesmaids”

Best Adapted Screenplay
Alexander Payne, Nat Faxton, Jim Rash, “The Descendants”
John Logan, “Hugo”
George Clooney, Grant Heslov, Beau Willimon, “The Ides of March”
Aaron Sorkin, Steven Zaillian, “Moneyball”
Bridget O’Connor, Peter Straughn, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”

Best Animated Feature
“A Cat In Paris”
“Chico & Rita”
“Kung Fu Panda 2”
“Puss in Boots”

Best Foreign Language Film of the Year
Bullhead (Belgium)
Footnote (Israel)
In Darkness (Poland)
Monsieur Lazhar (Canada)
A Separation (Iran)

Original Score
“The Adventures of Tintin,” John Williams
“The Artist,” Ludovic Bource
“Hugo,” Howard Shore
“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” Alberto Iglesias
“War Horse,” John Williams

Best Original Song
“Man or Muppet,” The Muppets; Music and Lyric by Bret McKenzie
“Real in Rio,” Rio; Music by Sergio Mendes and Carlinhos Brown, Lyric by Siedah Garrett

Best Achievement in Art Direction
“The Artist”
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”
“Midnight in Paris”
“War Horse”

Best Achievement in Cinematography
“The Artist”
“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”
“The Tree of Life”
“War Horse”

Best Achievement in Costume Design
“The Artist”
“Jane Eyre”

Best Documentary Feature
“Hell and Back Again”
“If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front”
“Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory”

Best Documentary Short Subject
“The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement?”
“God Is the Bigger Elvis”
“Incident in New Baghdad”
“Saving Face”
“The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom”

Best Achievement in Film Editing
“The Artist”
“The Descendants”
“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”

Best Achievement in Makeup
“Albert Nobbs”
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”
“The Iron Lady”

Best Animated Short Film
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
La Luna
A Morning Stroll
Wild Life

Best Live Action Short Film
“The Shore”
“Time Freak”
“Tuba Atlantic”

Best Achievement in Sound Editing
“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”
“War Horse”

Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”
“War Horse”

Best Achievement in Visual Effects
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”
“Real Steel”
“Rise of the Planet of the Apes”
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon”

Golden Globes 2012

16 Jan

The Artist's Cast at the Golden Globes 2012


For those of you who didn’t stay up yesterday night to watch the Golden Globes, here are the winners:

Best Drama: The Descendants

Best Actor Drama: George Clooney (for The Descendants)

Best Film Comedy/Musical: The Artist

Best Actress Film: Meryl Streep (for The Iron Lady)

Best Actor Film: Jean Dujardin (for The Artist)

Best Comedy/Musical TV: Modern Family

Best Director: Martin Scorsese (for Hugo)

Cecil B. DeMille Award: Morgan Freeman

Best Supporting Actress Film: Octavia Spencer (for The Help)

Best Actor in a Comedy/Musical TV: Matt LeBlanc (for Episodes)

Best Actress TV Drama: Claire Danes (for Homeland)

Best Foreign Language Film: A Separation (Iran)

Best Supporting Actress TV: Jessica Lange (for American Horror Story)

Best Screenplay: Woody Allen (for Midnight in Paris)

Best Animated Film: The Adventures of Tintin

Best Supporting Actor TV: Peter Dinklage (for Games of Thrones)

Best Actress in a Comedy/Musical: Michelle Williams (for My Week With Marylin)

Best Actor in a Mini-Series: Idris Elba (for Luther)

Best Original Song: “Masterpiece” by Madonna (for W.E.)

Best Original Score: The Artist

Best TV Drama: Homeland

Best Actor in a TV Drama: Kelsey Grammer (for Boss)

Best Actress in a Mini-Series: Kate Winslet (for Mildred Pierce)

Best Mini-Series: Downton Abbey

Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer (for Beginners)


And if the only reason you wanted to watch the Golden Globes for to see Ricky Gervais take the mickey out of Hollywood (let’s face it, it does represent quite a lot of people), here is his introduction speech.


Movies to watch in 2012

12 Jan

A new year can mean a lot of things, new resolutions, new job, new place. It also means new movies and I must admit, 2012 looks like quite the year with three major blockbusters coming out: the long awaited Avengers, the last of Nolan’s Batman trilogy The Dark Knight Rises and Part 1 of The Hobbit.

Here is a list of 12 movies to keep you entertained in 2012 – and a few extra treats for Christmas.

January, 13th: War Horse

Director: Steven Spielbierg.

Stars: Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson and David Thewlis.

Synopsis: Young Albert enlists to service in WWI after his beloved horse, Joey, is sold to the cavalry. Albert’s hopeful journey takes him out of England and across Europe as the war rages on.

 February, 10th: The Woman in Black

Director: James Watkins.

Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Janet McTeer and Ciaran Hinds.

Synopsis: A young lawer leaves his son in London and travels to a remote village to settle the legal affairs the recently deceased Alice Drablow. Upon arrival, he discovers that a series of inexplicable accidents and suicides have forced parents to barricade their children indoors and that the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorising the locals.

 March, 9th: John Carter

Director: Andrew Stanton.

Stars: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins and Willem Dafoe.

Synopsis: Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a saviour.

 April, 27th: The Avengers

Director: Nicholas Stoller.

Stars: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson.

Synopsis: Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. brings together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki and his army..


May, 18th: What To Expect When You’re Expecting

Director: Kirk Jones.

Stars: Cameron Diaz, Matthew Morrison and Dennis Quaid.

Synopsis: A look at the lives of five couples as they prepare to become parents.


 June, 1st: Prometheus

Director: Ridley Scott.

Stars: Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron and Patrick Wilson.

Synopsis: A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

 July, 20th: The Dark Knight Rises

Director: Christopher Nolan.

Stars: Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Gary Oldman.

Synopsis: Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent’s crimes.

 August, 17th: Brave

Directors: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman.

Stars: Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly and Emma Thompson.

Synopsis: Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.

September, 14th: ParaNorman

Directors: Chris Butler, Sam Fell.

Stars: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Anna Kendrick and Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Synopsis: A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead, takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his town from a centuries-old curse.


 October, 5th: Frankenweenie

Director: Tim Burton.

Stars: Winona Ryder, Catherine O’Hara and Martin Short.

Synopsis: Young Victor conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences.


November, 30th: Rise of the Guardians

Directors: Peter Ramsey and William Joyce.

Stars, Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin and Isla Fisher.

Synopsis: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost and the Sandman band together to form a united front against the Bogeyman.


December, 14th: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Director: Peter Jackson.

Stars: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen and Richard Armitage.

Synopsis: Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit, journeys to the Lonely Mountain accompanied by a group of dwarves to reclaim a treasure taken from them by the dragon Smaug.

And a few extra treats…

December, 7th: Les Misérables

Director: Tom Hooper

Stars: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway.

Synopsis: An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel set in 19th-century France, in which a paroled prisoner named Jean Valjean seeks redemption.

December, 21st: Life of Pi

Director: Ang Lee.

Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Tobey Maguire.

Synopsis: The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper’s son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwrecked sends them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

December, 25th: The Great Gatsby

Director: Baz Luhrmann.

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Joel Edgerton.

Synopsis: Nick Carraway, a Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifestyle of his neighbor, Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby’s circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.


Oscar Wilde’s restored tomb unveiled in Paris

30 Nov

Oscar Wilde’s tomb after it was restored

Oscar Wilde’s restored tomb was unveiled today at the Père Lachaise cemetery, just in time to celebrate the 111th anniversary of the author’s death.

The ceremony, attended by English actor Rupert Everett and Oscar Wilde’s grandson, Merlin Holland, presented the now graffiti and lipstick smears-free memorial.

The graffiti was done with love, which is an unusual phenomenon“, said Merlin Holland. “Graffiti tends to be protestatory. Other graves of people who are admired tend to get little bits of paper with notes scribbled and flowers. The kissing phenomenon is reserved entirely for Oscar. [I am] deeply touched that this man who had been … hounded out of England is now adored by all his fans. But the destruction of the monument was terrible. It was such a mess … this is just not the way to show your love for him.

The tomb before restoration, covered with lipstick

Rupert Everett added “the graffiti response goes beyond admiration for Wilde’s genius as a writer. He is the patron saint of anyone who feels a bit outcast. He’s quite comparable to Edith Piaf … as a sufferer. What you know about Wilde is about injustice and being brought down.

Everett is currently working on shooting his own screenplay about Wilde, where he will direct and take the lead. The rest of the cast includes Colin Firth, Emily Watson and Tom Wilkinson.

The screenplay, of which the name has not been revealed yet, focuses on Wilde’s last three years. “All other films stop when Wilde goes to prison”, commented Everett. “I think that’s partly because the heterosexual world … still can’t face what they did to him … after Wilde came out of prison. If an Englishman saw him in the street he was absolutely entitled to go up and slap him or spit at him. It’s the most extraordinary story – and a very short time ago … I think people can’t really face that side of him. It’s too cruel.

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin on the 16th of October 1854 and died in Paris on the 30th of November 1900. Although now remembered as one of the most famous and successful writer of his time, Wilde died completely penniless and abandoned, having lost everything after the 1895 trial and his imprisonment for homosexuality.

Initially buried at the Cimetière de Bayeux outside Paris, Oscar Wilde’s remains were moved to the Père Lachaise Cemetery. His memorial was created soon after by sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein and features a flying naked angel inspired by the British Museum’s Assyrian figures.

The epitaph is a verse of The Ballad of Reading Gaol.

And alien tears will fill for him
Pity’s long-broken urn,
For his mourners will be outcast men,
And outcasts always mourn.

by Marion Legrand-Polsinelli

This is Halloween …

31 Oct

I haven’t carved a pumpkin since I was about 8. Fourteen years is a long time and today I thought I should do something about it so here is my pumpkin! I’m actually really proud of myself and I must admit, it looks even better now that I am completely in the dark watching a movie (“Buried” by Rodrigo Cortes is anyone is interested).

Anyway, as everyone know, today is Halloween and I thought I would share with you a few fun facts about that celebration.

  • Orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death.
  • Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday.
  • Pumpkins also come in white, blue and green. Great for unique monster carvings!
  • Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.
  • Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy in America.
  • The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts roamed the countryside on Halloween night. They began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human.
  • Halloween candy sales average about 2 billion dollars annually in the United States.
  • Chocolate candy bars top the list as the most popular candy for trick-or-treaters with Snickers #1.
  • Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday, with Christmas being the first.
  • Bobbing for apples is thought to have originated from the roman harvest festival that honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
  • Black cats were once believed to be witch’s familiars who protected their powers.
  • “Halloween” was made in only 21 days in 1978 on a very limited budget.
  • Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honoring the dead. Holloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.
  • The Ouija Board ended up outselling the game of Monopoly in its first full year at Salem. Over two million copies of the Ouija Board were shipped.
  • Samhainophobia is the fear (phobia) of Halloween.
  • The heaviest pumpkin was weighted at 821.23 kg (1,810 lb 8 oz) and was presented by Chris Stevens (USA) at the Stillwater Harvest Fest in Stillwater, Minnesota, USA earlier this month.

Q Awards 2011 winners

24 Oct

This year’s Q Awards ceremony took place earlier today, and the winners are …



Breakthrough artist Ed Sheeran

Best new act WU LYF

Q classic songwriter Gary Barlow

Best track Adele with Rolling In The Deep

Q innovation in sound Kaiser Chiefs

Q inspiration Fatboy Slim

Q next big thing Lana Del Rey

Best video Jessie J with Do It Like A Dude

Best album Bon Iver with Bon Iver

Best live act Biffy Clyro

Q classic song Snow Patrol with Chasing Cars

Q icon Noel Gallagher

Q best male artist Tinie Tempah

Q best female artist Adele

Q outstanding contribution to music Siouxsie Sioux

Best act in the world today Coldplay

Hall of fame Queen

Greatest act of the past 25 years U2

Steve Jobs, the loss of a visionary

6 Oct

Yesterday, the world lost a great man. Co-founder of Apple – as well as Pixar – Steve Jobs was one of the most influential people of the last century and his legacy will live on. The impact he had, with Apple, on technology – hardware, software, communication and design – is just unbelievable.

“He changed the way each of us sees the world,” said President Obama.

Here is the address in made in 2005 to Standford graduates which I find truly inspiring.

… and another link with pictures of tributes from all around the world. 

House is back.

30 Sep

It is that time of the year again. TV shows have been back on the small screen for about a week now but one series is still to premiere: House. Hugh Laurie & Co will be back on Monday the 3rd of October on FOX for an eight season which, unfortunately, might be the last.

Back in August at the Television Critics Association press tour, Kevin Reilly, FOX Entertainment President said: “I can’t confirm it’s the last season. We’ve talked pretty publicly about the potential for that. Hugh Laurie is mulling it; the producers are.

The network will make a decision in the fall, most likely October, about whether this season will be the last for House.

Then Universal [which produces the series] will have a decision of whether they’d like to try to keep the show going somewhere else, and the producers may make that decision,” Reilly added. “But my sense is this is also a show that wants to stay creatively vibrant and go out strong, and not limp along for four more years doing a vestige of what it was.

I will keep you posted as soon as more information is given but for now, enjoy the first look of that brand-new season. It’s gonna be good.

9/11 2001 – 9/11 2011

11 Sep

To this day, I still remember what I was doing on the 11th of September 2001 when I found out about the Twin Towers.

I was 12 and I had just come back from school. I could hear me mum in my bedroom as I walked in the living room where the TV was on. Honestly, my first thoughts were “this is another american movie, where something terrible happens and they save the world”. I switched channel and the exact same footage were on. I switched channel again and once more, same footage. This is when I realised that something was wrong and switched back to the first channel when right here and then, the second plane hit the second tower.

I remember watching the news that day until way after my bedtime. I didn’t understand how big would the repercussions be on the world as we knew. This came later.

Nearly 3,000 people died that day and 1,020 died in the last 10 years as a consequence of it, trying to save their fellow citizen.

Even though I am not American, this is a day to remember. Those terrorist attacks changed America as well as the rest of the world , leading to a war where many countries have lost soldiers, many families have lost their loved-ones.

This is our History and and we ought to remember.

Here’s a few links.

1- America Remembers September 11th – BBC Live Coverage.

2- Remembering the Father I Never Met